News Item

Updated Protocols


8 years ago

This week during the G2G, the revised protocols were put to the presidents present, [79 clubs were represented] and all the amendments got explained, discussed and then voted on. We have updated the protocols page here on the website, so feel free to study them at length. The most notable sections are the increased period of time it will take a new club from starting up, previously it was 3 months registration, with a 9 months prospective period, this has changed to 3 months registration and 21 months prospective period. Another notable change is that opening of a chapter in the Western Cape, this has been characterised into two kinds, one where a full minimum of 6 members from the mother chapter  would like to start out, and the other where only one fully patched member from the mother chapter would like to start recruiting to start a local chapter. In

Another notable change is that opening of a chapter in the Western Cape, this has been characterised into two kinds, one where a full minimum of 6 members from the mother chapter  would like to start out, and the other where only one fully patched member from the mother chapter would like to start recruiting to start a local chapter. In the first instance, a 6 month period is described, whereas, in the 2nd, the opening of the chapter will need to follow the same time restraints a  new club.

Other things to note are time restrictions around becoming an MC and how dormant and dead clubs are handled and defined and the revival time periods and processes to follow to restart a dormant club.

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